Joint Ventures, Limited Partnerships and Co-Tenancy Agreements

At Davidzon Law we have a depth of experience advising clients buying commercial real estate together with third parties. When two or more individuals or corporations own property together there are a number of issues that need to be considered. There are several different vehicles available for multiple individuals to own property together and is important to choose the right one to suit the particular needs of the owners. Depending on the nature of the investment, whether it is passive or the beginning of a longer relationship, different parties may wish to form a limited partnership. Other times, for specific reasons, parties wish to make expressly clear that they are not partners as interpreted by Ontario’s Partnership Act and choose to own property together as a joint venture. Other times, parties don’t wish to assert a joint venture and are best served by a properly-drafted co-tenancy agreement. In all situations we start by having a discussion with our clients to understand what their intentions are in the short term as well as the long term and consider the best possible vehicle for them to own property with other parties. We are often consulted by individuals who already own property together and have begun to consider succession planning and feel more comfortable drafting a co-tenancy agreement.

Davidzon Law real estate law team are well versed in all aspects of commercial real estate law in Ontario and have years of experience acting on behalf of our clients to achieve their goals. We regularly work together with co-owners to ensure that our clients’ interests are advanced and promoted. We understand that our client’s livelihoods are tied into their commercial real estate holdings and we are proud to represent them. If you would like to discuss a joint venture agreement, limited partnership agreement or a co-tenancy agreement with a lawyer at Davidzon Law, please call us today to schedule a consultation.