What happens if you die without a will?


The departure of a loved one is a profound loss, but dying without a will — known as dying intestate — can compound that grief with legal hurdles. At Davidzon Law, we’re committed to guiding you through these uncertain times with clarity and compassion.

Understanding Intestacy

When an individual dies without a will, their estate is subject to intestacy laws, which vary depending on location. These rules determine the estate’s beneficiaries and can significantly alter the distribution you might have intended.

The Fate of Your Assets

Without a will, your estate enters probate, a process where the court oversees the distribution of your assets. This can be a protracted and public affair, with the potential for family disputes and diminished estate value due to legal costs.

The Intangible Loss

Beyond the financial impact, the absence of a will can leave your family grappling with decisions about your healthcare directives, guardianship for minor children, and even your final wishes for burial or cremation.

The Ripple Effect on Loved Ones

Intestacy can strain family relationships, especially when the distribution of sentimental items comes into question. Without a will to guide them, relatives may face agonizing decisions during an already difficult time.

Safeguarding Your Legacy

A well-drafted will is more than a legal document; it’s an act of love, ensuring your legacy is honored and your loved ones are cared for according to your wishes. At Davidzon Law, we don’t just draft documents; we craft peace of mind.

The Role of Legal Expertise

Our legal expertise empowers you to navigate estate planning with confidence. We address every nuance, from the guardianship of children to the complexities of business succession, ensuring a comprehensive plan is in place.


Failing to prepare a will can leave your estate in limbo and your family in distress. Take control of your legacy with Davidzon Law — where your wishes are given the respect and legal fortitude they deserve.

Secure your legacy and protect your family’s future with a well-crafted will. Contact Davidzon Law to create an estate plan that embodies your wishes and meets your unique needs.

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